Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners

The Clerk to the Board staff attend every meeting of the Board of County Commissioners to record the proceedings and decisions of the Board as the designee for the Clerk and Recorder. They prepare agendas, maintain minutes, attest the Chair’s signature, preserve and catalog the official records and documents of the Board.

Additionally the Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners department is your contact for liquor and medical marijuana licensing matters for unincorporated El Paso County, for Secure Transportation Service Licensing and for property tax appeals to the Board of Equalization.

General Clerk to the Board Information:
Telephone: (719) 520-6430 Email:

Main Office:
1675 West Garden of the Gods Road, Suite 2201, Colorado Springs, CO 80907

Clerk to the Board Manager: Jackie Allred, Telephone: (719) 520-6432

Catalogues the official records and documents of the Board. The County Clerk and Recorder has been the custodian of records and documents for the Board of County Commissioners since 1868.

Information is available for the Board of El Paso County Commissioners

Legislative and Parliamentary Rules and Procedures of the Board

Liquor Licenses for Unincorporated El Paso County

The Clerk to the Board reviews and processes liquor license applications considered by the Board sitting as the Local Licensing Authority. For most commonly asked questions and answers, visit Colorado Department of Revenue Liquor Enforcement Division.

Medical Marijuana Licenses for Unincorporated El Paso County

The Clerk to the Board accepts medical marijuana license applications on behalf of the Board of County Commissioners, the Local Licensing Authority. For the most current information, visit the Colorado Department of Revenue Enforcement Division.

Secure Transportation Service Licensing for El Paso County

The Clerk to the Board in conjunction with the Office of Emergency Management reviews and processes secure transportation service license applications and secure transportation vehicle permit applications considered by the Board of County Commissioners. A service license and vehicle permit must be acquired by each facility that will be providing secure transportation in El Paso County.

To file a complaint regarding secure transportation services within El Paso County, please contact the Clerk to the Board Manager, Jackie Allred, at 719-520-6432 or email

Taxpayers, or their authorized representatives, may appeal the El Paso County Assessor’s determination of value by July 15 for real property. Hearings on appeals are scheduled by the Clerk to the BoCC during the month of July annually.

Independent referees conduct the hearings and may make adjustments to the value. A final written decision is mailed to the taxpayer within five business days following the hearing. These decisions can be further appealed to either the District Court, Binding Arbitration or the Board of Assessment Appeals.

The El Paso County Assessor’s Office website has tools to assist taxpayers who want to research property values in their neighborhoods.

Additional Resources