The El Paso County Clerk’s Elections Department will be a part of the statewide Risk Limiting Audit (RLA) Tuesday, November 19, for the 2024 General Election. This post-election audit allows officials to compare a sample of paper ballots against digital tallies to verify results were tabulated correctly. Due to the high level of statistical probability, this audit confirms election results have not been manipulated. It also ensures a level of confidence in testing for election results.
Required by Section 1-7-515(2)(a) of the Colorado Revised Statutes, the RLA is ran by the Secretary of State’s Office. It provides strong evidence that the outcome matches what was counted.
“The completion of a Risk-Limiting Audit is a critical step in ensuring the accuracy and integrity of the 2024 General Election results. This process not only verifies the outcomes match the voters’ intent, but strengthens public confidence in the election system,” said Clerk Steve Schleiker. “In an era where trust in elections is paramount, RLAs serve as a transparent, evidence-based tool to demonstrate the resilience and reliability of our democracy.”
The Audit Board must locate specific ballots. Then review and confirm that the results of those ballots match what was counted.
The El Paso County RLA is open to the public. The Audit Board will convene at the Citizens Service Center, Elections Department at 8:30 a.m. Tuesday, November 19. The audit will begin once the Elections Department and Audit Board members have been given the seed from the Colorado Secretary of State. Please take notice that the Secretary of State will conduct a public meeting to create the random seed for use with the Secretary of State’s RLA, as stated by Election Rule 25.2.2 (h).
Date of Public Meeting: Monday, November 18, 2024, at 10 a.m.
Location: In-Person or via Zoom
In Person: Colorado Secretary of State’s Office, 1700 Broadway, Denver, CO 80290, Fifth Floor Red Rocks Conference Room
Full Zoom link: Click here for Zoom link
The seed is a number consists of at least 20 digits. Each digit will be selected in order by a 10-sided die. The Secretary of State will randomly select members of the public who attend the meeting to take turns rolling the die. If no members of the public attend the meeting, staff will take turns rolling the die. The Secretary of State will publish the seed on the Audit Center ( as soon as it is established.