Colorado Voting and the Law

Colorado has a voting system which facilitates accessibility for all eligible electors and also registering and participating in elections unencumbered. El Paso County is committed to ensure transparent, fair, and accurate elections. Our award-winning Elections staff serves the citizens of Colorado to guarantee their voices are heard by exercising their democratic right to choose local, state and federal governance.

Voting Model for Colorado

Colorado has a voting model comprised of mail ballots and Voter Service and Polling Centers (VSPCs).

Mail Ballots

Elections in the state coordinated by the counties are conducted by mail ballot. Registered, active voters receive a ballot in the mail. They vote at their own convenience and return the ballot by the Election Day deadline. This model is intent on improving voter turnout and accessibility.

Learn about the election process for the Life of a Mail Ballot here.

Voter Service and Polling Centers

At the Voter Service and Polling Centers (VSPC) voters can register to vote, update their Colorado Voter Registration, vote in person, and drop off their voted mail ballot. VSPCs are equipped with ADA accessible ballot marking devices. By law, a specified number of Voter Service and Polling Centers are opened in each county during an election cycle.

Same Day Voter Registration

Colorado also allows citizens to register to vote through Election Day. Citizens must meet eligibility requirements including being a resident of the State of Colorado 22 days immediately prior to the next election.

El Paso County

Our Office continues to develop additional opportunities for citizens to register and to vote. We reach out to:

Community events

Health Care Facilities

High School Seniors

The Independence Center – a local nonprofit dedicated to facilitating independent living for those with disabilities.