[El Paso County, Colo. – December 19, 2024] Donor Alliance, which facilitates the process of organ and tissue donation for transplantation throughout Colorado, awarded Selena Marquez, a Motor Vehicle Operations Specialist at the Powers DMV Branch, the County DMV Employee of the Year.

“I’m here to represent the 1,300 people that are on the waiting list and celebrate the vital work you do in order to offer these life-saving donations and transplants,” said Jason Reimer, the Public Education Coordinator for Donor Alliance.

One of Selena’s many roles is issuing driver’s licenses. Part of that role is educating the public about becoming an organ donor during the registration process. In Colorado, nearly all organ and tissue donor registrations are processed through driver license offices. Donor Alliance honored Selena with the award for her critical role in the donation process. Selena is the second El Paso County DMV employee to win the award.

“Become a part of the millions of people whose lives can be saved when it comes to doing your registration to be a donor,” Selena said.

When a person registers to be an organ, eye and tissue donor they receive the little heart with the Y on their license. According to Donor Alliance, one person can save up to eight lives through organ donation and save and heal up to 75 lives through tissue donation. In 2023, through Donor Alliance, a record 307 organ donors made 918 lifesaving transplants.

“This recognition is a testament to Selena’s commitment, passion, and tireless efforts,” said Clerk and Recorder Steve Schleiker. “It’s always inspiring to see someone’s hard work acknowledged in such a meaningful way, and I couldn’t be prouder of her achievement. Her dedication not only reflects her personal excellence but also serves as a reminder of the positive impact we can all make through diligence and care!”

You can sign up today to be an organ, eye and tissue donor at DonorAlliance.org.