Renewal Kiosk

No wait. No worry. No lines.

The Colorado MVExpress self-service kiosk offers a quick and easy way to renew your vehicle registration in an instant!

Motor Vehicle Renewal Kiosk 3 Easy Steps

EASY AS 1 – 2 – 3
You will complete the simple steps in two minutes.

Using the touch screen, type in your license plate number and the last 8 characters of the VIN, or scan the barcode on the side of your renewal card. Instructions and voice prompts are available in English and Spanish.

Review your vehicle record and make payment for taxes and fees by credit/debit card.

Machine will produce for you:

License Plate Year Tab
Printed receipt of payment

You’re done! Stick the year tab on your license plate and we’ll see you next year!

Additional services at kiosks:

Check your title status: You will need your purchase date and the vehicle’s full VIN
Obtain a Duplicate Registration Card: You will need your license plate number and your registration verification code or last eight digits of the VIN
Obtain Replacement Tabs: You will need your license plate number and your registration verification code or last eight digits of the VIN

Kiosk Locations

Residents of the counties in the kiosk program may access services at any kiosk in the state.

Intellectual Technology, Inc., the kiosk vendor, provides a website with information. It includes FAQs, participating counties, and a map to find the nearest kiosk to you.

The Clerk & Recorder’s Office provides kiosks at four locations, open during the following hours:

Main DMV
Citizens Service Center
1675 W. Garden of the Gods Rd.
24/7 Kiosk, north side of building

North DMV
Union Town Center
8830 N. Union Blvd.
24/7 Kiosk

Powers/Southeast DMV
5650 Industrial Place
Monday – Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Centennial Hall
This is not a branch office
200 S. Cascade Ave.
24/7 Kiosk at the east (Cascade) entrance
Accepts credit/debit card, no cash payment

Colorado MVExpress Partners with King Soopers and Safeway for Neighborhood Store Kiosks

Kiosks are at five King Soopers and two Safeways during
store hours.

Store kiosks accept credit or debit card. No cash payment at store locations.

Documentation to Renew at the Kiosk

  • License Plate Number along with last 8 characters of the vehicle’s VIN and/or Renewal Postcard
  • Emissions Test (if needed on your renewal postcard). Wait 2 business days after getting the emissions test to renew at the kiosk. This allows time for the system to verify emissions
  • Proof of Colorado Insurance (if needed on your renewal postcard). Wait 2-4 days after updating or obtaining your insurance to renew at the kiosk. This allows time for the system to verify insurance

Time frame to Renew

  • The time frame is the same for all methods of renewing your registration: by kiosk, online, mail, or phone. You may renew:
  • During the month prior to your expiration month
  • In your expiration month
  • No later than the last day of the month following the month of expiration (grace period)
  • After the grace period, a $25 per month late fee will be assessed up to $100.

Qualifications to Renew at the Kiosk

  • You must be a resident of El Paso County, and your current vehicle registration must be in El Paso County
  • Residents of the counties in the kiosk program may access any kiosk in the state for service
  • Registration for a car, pickup truck, motorcycle, coach/park trailer
  • Registration is not for dealer, tow truck, exempt military specialty plates, commercial fleet, collector, government, taxi, multi-year renewal, or military non-resident

Kiosk Contact for Questions

Questions about a renewal done at a kiosk may be directed to Customer Care:

Intellectual Technology, Inc.

Payment via Kiosks

  • Payment may be made by credit/debit card.
  • There is a $4.50 transaction fee at all kiosks.
  • These fees are not retained by El Paso County.

El Paso County DMV Contact

Questions about motor vehicle and driver’s licenses may be directed to the Clerk and Recorder’s DMV Office:
