Becoming an Election Watcher
In all elections, a watcher must be an eligible elector. In addition, watchers in a primary, general or congressional vacancy election are appointed by a political party chairperson on behalf of the political party, or by a party candidate. Additionally, in the case of a general election, watchers may be appointed by an unaffiliated candidate or issue committee. In a nonpartisan election, watchers are appointed by candidates for office and proponents and opponents of a ballot issue.
Candidates, members of their immediate families by blood, marriage, or civil union, to the second degree may NOT be poll watchers for that candidate (CRS 1-7-108(2)).
Political party attorneys may not be in a polling location unless he/she is a duly appointed watcher or is casting his/her ballot (Colorado Secretary of State Election Rule 8.3).
If you are selected as a watcher by a political party chairperson, party candidate, or an unaffiliated candidate, you must be affiliated with the political party or unaffiliated as documented in your voter registration record.