April 7, 2021 The El Paso County Clerk and Recorder’s Office has announced ballot images from the 2020 General Election are available to the public. Any individual who is interested in obtaining the ballot images can notify the El Paso County Elections Department at 719-520-7325. Individuals who want the ballot images must provide a minimum 200GB capacity external hard drive, sealed in its original packaging is required; USB powered is preferred. Turnaround time to download the images onto the hard drive, depending on request demand, will be two to three business days.

“Our office prides itself on transparent, secure, accurate, and verifiable elections, therefore, we are offering the ballot images free of charge to the public,” said Chuck Broerman, Clerk and Recorder. “The Clerk’s Office offers these services to ensure confidence, trust and very important comprehension of the election process.”

Ballot images from the 2020 General Election are available for interested individuals to inspect and compare the election results digitally, by comparing the voted ballot to the Cast Vote Record.

The ballot image file will include:

  • Ballot images from the 2020 General Election
  • Official Cast Vote Record
  • Some ballots may be missing or in a PDF format. These ballots required redaction or removal to follow statutory requirements maintaining voter anonymity (C.R.S. § 24-72-205.5(4)(b)(III),(IV)).

If the public would like to see a sample of the ballot images, approximately 6,000 images are available on our website as a more convenient and accessible option.